Okay, Harley is... Harley. A very complex character to be sure. He is an entertainer in every sense of the word. Chosen weapon...himself. If your familar with D&D think a bard/druid. Either way keep reading to know exactly what I mean.

(not the best picture. I'll have to draw another soon...)

Te' is your typical confused male. He is a warrior and his perfered weapon is a sword.


Sixth is... well what can I say? He is one of the rare humans in this world only with a few twists.

You'll find out what soon enough.


Millinia. Well heres an enigma wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in a mystery. He turned to men after his soul mate lost her mind and tried to destroy the world, but that's a different story. (Let me know if you're intrigued and maybe I'll do his side story.) He is also the only character that's openly homosexual.

More information and characters will be added as it/they become relevant.

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